
Business Intelligence and Analytics

Getting the most from your data.

Your organization likely has more information than it knows what to do with. Shore brings tools and techniques to make the most of the value contained in your data. We can help you move from report-centric or spreadsheet-based approaches to integrated analytics. This provides your whole organization with a big-picture view, because problems can’t be solved by working in silos.

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Solve the Data Attribution Problem

Move beyond traditional data collection and focus on active attribution. By tracing granular data on user interactions with your services, our tools go well beyond correlating inputs with outputs. This allows managers to understand what works for their business, and helps organizations develop winning strategies.

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Implement our packaged Tools

Peeristics is a great example of how our tech, by integrating data from multiple structured and unstructured sources, helps educators discover and attribute the factors that result in student success. It uses Language Processing, Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing to build enough data to enable attribution of resources to student outcomes.

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Build business-driven BI teams

Chances are, your managers and analysts are the people who know your business best. Give them the tools and IT support they need to move beyond spreadsheets and static reports to data exploration and authoring. We provide experts and advice to bridge the gap.

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Break out of Silos

Stop looking at business problems tactically and individually. Develop a short-term but holistic BI strategy that aligns business units with BI teams to eliminate information silos, duplication, and inconsistency to reveal the big picture,

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Establish a Data Governance Framework

Data is only useful when it is accurate, accessible, and clearly defined. Bridge both business and IT to develop quality standards, business rules, data architecture, and security practices that everyone can understand and will expand as your BI maturity increases.